Your lifelike hologram using Structure & HoloLens

Foti Dim
Foti Dim’s
Published in
4 min readJan 14, 2017


Last December, Zalando held its annual Hack Week which as you might guess is a week long hackathon during which teams can brainstorm and work on innovative ideas that could be beneficial for the company. This year I went for something totally geeky compared to last year which had me working on a refugee related-project. The name of it is VRify.

VRify’s purpose is to create an immersive conference call experience that allows you to communicate with your remote colleagues more efficiently. It brings geographically dispersed team-members together…



Software craftsman — iOS📱 MachineLearning🤖 AutonomousDriving🚙 AR👓 Bass🎸 Nintendo🎮